In one week it will be one year since the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, where more than 1000 people died.
That's why right now there a lot of events around the world.
I wanted to share some of them with you:
This is a real good interactive report by the Guardian:
Fashion Revolution Day is featuring a lot of events in several cities around the world:
And please check out this short movie by Mary Night, produced by White Lodge, , think of them who made your clothes:
I think its about time to question the consumption habits of the western world, not only in fashion. And anyone should start by them self, shouldn't we?
2 Kommentare:
There's a documentary I believe called China Blue which is about a jeans sweat shop in China. Its really eye opening.
Hi Deb :)
Oh, thanks for this info, I will search for it.
I can also recommend the book "The shockingly high costs of cheap fashion".
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